Privacy Policy

Updated on April 20, 2022

We at Vitória Stone take your privacy very seriously!
The privacy and security of the personal data we collect about you is important to us, and it is important that you understand how we handle this information. Therefore, please read this Privacy Notice carefully as it explains how we collect your data, how we use the data we collect and with whom we disclose it.
By using or accessing our Products and Services in any matter, you agree to the practices and policies described in this Privacy Notice. This Notice incorporates the Cookies Policy, the documents must be read together.

For the purposes of reading and interpreting this document, the terms listed will have the following meaning:
- Treatment agents: the controller and the operator;

- Anonymization: use of reasonable technical means available at the time of treatment, through which data loses the possibility of association, directly or indirectly, with an individual;

- National Data Protection Authority (ANPD): public administration body responsible for ensuring, implementing and monitoring compliance with this Law throughout the national territory.

- Database: structured set of personal data, established in one or several locations, in electronic or physical support;

- Consent: free, informed and unequivocal expression by which the holder agrees to the processing of his/her personal data for a specific purpose;

- Controller: natural or legal person, governed by public or private law, responsible for decisions regarding the processing of personal data;

- Cookies: Cookies are small files created by websites visited and which are saved on the user's computer through the browser. These files contain information that serves to identify the visitor, either to customize the page according to the profile or to facilitate the transport of data between the pages of the same site.

- Anonymized data: data relating to the data subject that cannot be identified, considering the use of reasonable technical means available at the time of its treatment;

- Personal data: information related to the identified or identifiable natural person;

- Sensitive personal data: personal data about racial or ethnic origin, religious conviction, political opinion, union membership or organization of a religious, philosophical or political nature, data referring to health or sex life, genetic or biometric data, when linked to a natural person;

- Deletion: deletion of data or a set of data stored in a database, regardless of the procedure used;

- charge: (or Data Protection Officer ) person appointed by the controller and operator to act as a communication channel between the controller, the data subjects and the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD);

- Operator: natural or legal person, governed by public or private law, who processes personal data on behalf of the controller;

- Holder: natural person to whom the personal data that are processed;

- Treatment: any operation carried out with personal data, such as those relating to the collection, production, reception, classification, use, reproduction, transmission, distribution, elimination, modification, communication, transfer, dissemination, extraction, evaluation or control of information, access, processing, archiving or storage.

- Treatment: any operation carried out with personal data, such as those relating to the collection, production, reception, classification, use, reproduction, transmission, distribution, elimination, modification, communication, transfer, dissemination, extraction, evaluation or control of information, access, processing, archiving or storage.

- International data transfer: transfer of personal data to a foreign country or international organization of which the country is a member;

- Shared use of data: communication, dissemination, international transfer, interconnection of personal data or shared treatment of personal data banks by public bodies and entities in the fulfillment of their legal competences, or between these and private entities, reciprocally, with specific authorization, to one or more treatment modalities allowed by these public entities, or between private entities;


When you interact electronically or physically with Vitória Stone, we may need to receive or collect information about you. We collect as little data as possible to achieve our goals and only use the data for the purposes for which it was collected.
On our website, the collection of Personal Data may occur in two ways: one active and one automatic.



The active collection of personal data occurs when the Holder himself enters his information in the following situations:
- When registering to subscribe to our Newsletter, we ask for the interested party's e-mail.

 - To contact us or ask questions through our website, we ask for the name and e-mail of the interested party.
- To receive marketing e-mails, newsletters and offers to holders who are customers and from those whose data were collected by the commercial with the processing of data of name, e-mail, city, state, country and the interested party's company.


The automatic collection of data takes place through the use of Cookies . Data is captured when you access the services on the website and the network on which you accessed it, such as navigation data and identification of the commercial establishment used.

Learn more by accessing our Cookie Policy.



Vitória Stone informs and makes it clear that we only share your information with companies, organizations or third parties in cases where you consent to the sharing; where there is a need to carry out the business; if provided for in applicable laws and regulations; or when it is possible for us to improve your experience with our products and services.
Therefore, we may share your information in the following situations:
- Internally among our employees : so that it is possible to efficiently provide the service to which the same contractor was hired, as well as to enable the identification of other needs of the data subject;
- Service Providers : To help our business operations and provide better Products and Services, we may share your information with companies that provide services, for example, but not limited to: cloud storage and database, development and customer service , e-mail, delivery, among others;



- for technical service providers to help us with marketing, advertising and communication, delivering personalized content to customers;

- Other companies, organizations or third parties external to Vitória Stone, with your consent: we may share personal information outside of Vitória Stone when we have your consent. Remember that we will always ask for your explicit consent to share any sensitive personal information.

For legal reasons : We will share personal information if we have a good faith belief that access, use, retention or disclosure of the information is reasonably necessary to:
- Comply with any legislation, regulation, court order or request from a competent governmental or administrative authority for the request;

- Respond to actual or potential claims or legal proceedings;

- Comply with applicable Terms of Service, including investigation of potential violations;

- Detect, prevent or otherwise deal with fraud, technical or security issues;

- When necessary for the legitimate interest of the company, or of third parties, in matters of national security, protection of the security of any person, or to prevent death or imminent physical harm, provided that such interest does not prevail over the interests or rights and fundamental freedoms of the data subject that require the protection of their personal data;

- When necessary to protect our rights, interests and/or property (including, without limitation, to ensure the performance of our contracts), the rights, interests and/or property of our agents, independent subcontractors, customers and others;
Vitória Stone also undertakes not to sell, rent or pass on your information to companies, organizations or third parties.



Your personal data will be stored for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they were collected. Therefore, when they reach their purpose, they can be eliminated.
You may also request the deletion of your data, except in cases of need to comply with legal or regulatory obligations and for the exercise of rights in judicial, extrajudicial or administrative proceedings.



In general, we collect, use, store and process your personal data to make the delivery of our services possible, as well as to maintain and improve our activities. The purpose of the treatment can be changed according to the desired service:
- Newsletter registration : capture leads who are interested in receiving email marketing.

- Register to contact us or ask questions : understand, diagnose and solve what was asked of us and capture leads who are interested in receiving marketing emails.

- Receiving email marketing : sending product offers, marketing campaigns and newsletters to customers and leads via email.

- Automatic collection through cookies : provide you with a better experience when browsing our website. website with the optimization of user information to recommend content, services, advertising and other information.



Our storage servers are located in other countries, for example the United States and Italy, where one of our branches is located. However, it is worth noting that all countries with which we interact have privacy standards, even if different from Brazilian ones.

That is, data processed in another country may be subject to different laws and may be accessed by government, judicial, police and regulatory agencies in those countries. However, we make it clear that we take appropriate measures to ensure a desirable level of data protection, even if your personal data is transferred to other countries.



Our website may include links to third party websites whose privacy practices may differ from ours. Thus, when you access our website, you may be forwarded to our YouTube channel or to one of our pages on social networks (Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Linkedin).
Use of these sites is governed by their privacy policies and not by this Privacy Notice. You should carefully review the privacy policy of any website you visit. We will consider your decision to use these third party products and services with our Products and Services as a statement to us that you have consented to the third party's terms and practices.



Any information provided by the customer or third party will be collected and stored in accordance with the strictest security standards.

To this end, Vitória Stone adopts several precautions, in compliance with the guidelines on security standards established in the legislation and its Information Security Policy , such as:

(i) It uses the latest methods and equipment available on the market to encrypt and anonymize the your personal data, when necessary;

(ii) It has protection against unauthorized access to its systems;

(iii) It only authorizes the access of specific people to the place where their personal information is stored, provided that this access is essential for the development of the intended activity;

(iv) Ensures that those agents, internal employees or external partners who process personal data must undertake to maintain the absolute confidentiality of the information accessed, as well as to adopt the best practices for handling this information, as determined in the policies and procedures.

Access to the information collected is restricted to employees and authorized persons. Those who misuse this information, in violation of this Privacy Policy, will be subject to appropriate disciplinary and legal sanctions.

In addition to technical efforts, Vitória Stone also adopts institutional measures aimed at protecting personal data, so that the privacy program applied to its activities is constantly updated.

Heads up!

Although Vitória Stone adopts the best efforts to preserve your privacy and protect your personal data, no transmission of information is completely secure, so it is impossible to fully guarantee that all the information you receive and/or send will not be targeted. from unauthorized access perpetrated through methods designed to improperly obtain information, such as technical failures, viruses or intrusions into the website's database.

In any case, in the remote hypothesis of occurrence of episodes of this nature, Vitória Stone guarantees the full effort to remedy such consequences.



Vitória Stone is committed to complying with the rules provided for in the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), in respect of the principles and rights of the holders of personal data, especially the principles of lawfulness, loyalty, transparency, limitation of purposes, data minimization, accuracy, limitation of retention, integrity and confidentiality.

In addition, the holders of personal data are guaranteed the rights listed below, under the terms of the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data:

– Right of confirmation and access: it is the right of the holder of the personal data to obtain from Vitória Stone confirmation that the personal data concerning him/her are or are not being processed and, if that is the case, the right to access the your personal data upon request on the website or by email

- Right of rectification: it is the right of the holder of the personal data to obtain from RHOPEN, without undue delay, the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him.

Right to data erasure: it is the right of the holder of the personal data to have their data erased from the RHOPEN Systems as long as this request is supported by the LGPD, or there is no legal reason that justifies its maintenance, even if anonymized.

-  Right to block data: it is the right of the holder of the personal data to have the use of their personal data that is unnecessary, excessive or treated in non-compliance with the LGPD blocked.

- Right to anonymization or data blocking: it is the right of the holder of the personal data to have it dissociated directly or indirectly from him, through the use of reasonable technical means available at the time of treatment.

- Right to limit the processing of data: it is the right of the holder of the personal data to limit the processing of his personal data, being able to obtain it when he contests the accuracy of the data, when the treatment is illegal, when the educational institution no longer needs it of the data for the proposed purposes and when you have objected to the processing of the data and in case of unnecessary data processing.

Right not to be subjected to automated decisions: it is the right of the holder of the personal data not to be subject to any decision taken exclusively on the basis of automated processing, including the definition of profiles ( profiling ), which produces effects in their legal sphere or which affect it significantly in a similar way. The holder of the personal data will be informed in case of rectification or deletion of their data.
These rights are guaranteed and may be exercised as provided for in the General Data Protection Law, exclusively by the holder of the personal data or by their legal representative, if applicable, by email to, with The following information:

1) Full name of the data subject;
2) RG or CPF number of the data subject;
3) What is the status of legal representative, if applicable;
4) Request description;
5) Other information or attachment of documents to fulfill the request.


Whenever Vitória Stone decides to change the way it treats personal data, the Privacy Policy will be updated. The company reserves the right to make changes to its practices and the Privacy Policy at any time, provided that compliance with current legislation is maintained.

Therefore, we advise that: (i) Clients and partners access this policy frequently or whenever there are doubts. (ii) If you do not agree with the change, you may request the cancellation of the products and services contracted with Vitória Stone. The non-cancellation or use of Vitória Stone's products and services, after the publication of the updated version, will be understood as your agreement.



The purpose of this Policy is to provide you, as a user or customer of Vitória Stone, with clear and accessible information about the Cookies used on our website, the role they play in providing you with the best possible experience and your options for setting Cookies.



Cookies are files or information that may be stored in your browser when you visit our website. Generally, a Cookie contains the name of the website that originated it, its lifetime and a value, which is randomly generated.
Through Cookies , the website stores information about browser activities, including IP address and the page accessed. These activity records (logs) are used only for statistical and metric purposes of the services available, not having the purpose of providing data to third parties without the express authorization of the User.


Cookies have several purposes, such as helping the website to function, ensuring efficient navigation between pages, remembering preferences and, in general, improving the user experience. They can also help ensure that the ads you see online are more relevant to you and your interests.



Check below which Cookies are used on our website, what information they can collect and the time they are active in users' browsers



Goal: They are essential for the Vitória Stone website to load correctly and allow you to browse, as well as make use of all available features.

Final Term: From 2 years to persistent

Information about the types of data collected: The cookie allows the website owner to implement or change the content of the website in real time



Goal: They are used to provide services or to remember navigation settings in order to improve your experience on the site.

Final TermFrom session to persistent

Information about the types of data collectedShows the length of time a service can store and/or read certain data from your computer using a cookie, a pixel, an API, cookie-free tracking, or other features such as identifying preferred language, checking shopping cart has selected item and pending.



Goal: They are used to provide content that is more relevant and of interest to Users. They can be used to present more targeted advertising or limit the number that is targeted to Users. Also, they allow the measurement of the effectiveness of an advertising campaign launched.

Termo Final: Session

Informações sobre os tipos de dados coletado: Creates unique ID used to remember your preferences and other information. Profiles the interests of the website visitor in order to show relevant and personalized Google advertising. Store login information and customize ads.



Finalidade: They help us to understand how visitors interact with the website page, so they report the areas visited, the time of visit and any problems encountered, such as error messages. We use Google Analytics to monitor traffic and measure and improve website performance.

For more information about Google Analytics cookies, visit: :

Termo Final: up to 02 years

Informações sobre os tipos de dados coletado: Keeps reference of origin of a user's visit to the site. It generates statistical data on browsing behavior on the site, using a user identifier (Unique ID).



At Vitória Stone, you, as a data subject, have full and complete right to decide whether to accept Cookies or not.

You can set or change your browser controls at any time to accept or decline Cookies . However, adjusting your browser preferences may affect your experience on our website.

To accept, refuse or delete Cookies , use your web browser settings , you can follow your browser's instructions (usually within the "Help", "Tools" or "Edit" settings). For more information about Cookies and how to disable them, you can visit and .



Providers of third-party apps, tools, widgets and plug-ins on our online channels (such as Youtube, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook) may also use automated means to collect information about your interactions with these features. This information is collected directly by resource providers and is subject to those providers' policies and/or privacy notices.
To the extent permitted by applicable law, Vitória Stone is not responsible for the information practices of these providers.



We may make changes to this Policy from time to time.
When we make major changes to this Policy, we will provide you with a prominent notice on the website or in an email. We may notify you in advance.



This Policy was prepared to comply with and comply with Federal Law No. 13,709/2018 (General Law for the Protection of Personal Data), Federal Law No. 12,965/2014 (Marco Civil da Internet) and Federal Law No. 8,078/1990 (Code of Defense of the Consumer), without prejudice to the observance of other laws applicable to Vitória Stone.



For more information about this Privacy Notice, the User may contact the person in charge of processing personal data (DPO) of Vitória Stone, through the e-mail address:

Use the form below to request the alteration or deletion of your personal data stored in our domain.
    1. Enviar