We are Vitoria Stone
Continually researching and investing in innovation and technology, our mission is we offer a wide variety of natural stones.

In numbers
top 5
more of 1.000.000 m²
more than 2500
more than 30 countries
more than 100 deposits
more of 40.000 m²
Our story
In Brazil, in the 1980s, the production chain of the stone sector emerged. During this period, years later, precisely in 1984, operating the activities of mining and exporting blocks exclusively to Italy, the first company of the VITÓRIA STONE Group was created, Pedreiras do Brasil S/A. Serra da Caraconha – BA was the chosen location where Pedreiras do Brasil implemented its first productive mining arrangement.
In a few years, it started to operate as an important reference in the market, exporting more than 30 thousand cubic meters of blocks per year. In the 1990s, with the advent of machine technology and improvements in processing processes, VITÓRIA STONE S/A was created, an industrial complex belonging to the group that today exports more than 1 million square meters of slabs per year to the world, recognized as one of the main global players in the stone sector.
Pedreiras do Brasil, VITÓRIA STONE, and five other companies that make up the VITÓRIA STONE Group celebrate their 35 years of business in 2019, summarized in production strength, product geodiversity and respect for social, environmental, and market standards.
Our industry
Our industry is located in Serra-ES, in the metropolitan region of the city of Vitória. We have a branch in Cachoeiro do Itapemirim, a city in the south of the state of Espírito Santo, considered the largest extraction and commercialization center of rocks in Brazil and we are present in Europe with our industry located in Italy.We work with strategic distributors (Commercial Spaces and VS Showrooms) in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.